07 January 2010

Letter from Bill and Melinda Gates

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With the license of Mr. Bill and Mrs. Melinda Gates, I'll publish in full letter signed by them on the site; "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation"

I believe that Bill and Melinda are examples of altruism. In today's world, there are 10 million people so rich that 5% of the total wealth of them would help nearly 1 billion people in need around the world.

According to an article in Forbes magazine, Gates has donated about 40 billion dollars to charity since the year 2000.

Letter from Bill and Melinda Gates

- More than a decade ago, the two of us read an article about the millions of children who were dying every year in poor countries from diseases that were long ago eliminated in this country. One disease we had never even heard of—rotavirus—was killing literally half a million kids each year. We thought: That's got to be a typo. If a single disease were killing that many kids, we would have heard about it, because it would have been front-page news. But it wasn’t a typo.

We couldn't escape the brutal conclusion that—in our world today—some lives are seen as worth saving and others are not. We said to ourselves: "This can’t be true. But if it is true, it deserves to be the priority of our giving."

We sent the article to Bill's father, Bill Gates Sr., with a note attached that said, "Dad, maybe we can do something about this." And he helped us get started.

We created the Gates Foundation in 2000 because we believe in the principle that every human life has equal worth. The life of an impoverished child in a developing country is as precious as the life of a middle-class kid in a developed one. A family struggling to make ends meet in an American inner city matters as much as a family thriving in a safe, suburban neighborhood. Today, billions of people never even have the chance to live a healthy, productive life. We want to help all people get that opportunity.

We know it can be done because this is a unique moment in history: Scientific and technological advances are making it possible to solve big, complicated problems like never before. If these advances are focused on the problems of the people with the most urgent needs and the fewest champions, then within this century billions of people will grow up healthier, get a better education, and gain the power to lift themselves out of poverty. Warren Buffett shares our sense of optimism, and we are deeply humbled by his decision to give a significant portion of his resources to the foundation.

We're so hopeful about the potential for rapid progress that we've decided the foundation will spend all its money in the next 100 years. In this century, our world has the opportunity to fulfill the great human promise that all lives have equal value.

Bill Gates and Melinda F. Gates


Lis. said...

Hello Adelle.

I would make the same thing with all that money to escape of the federal prescription. (smile)

Kiss to you.

Lucimara Souza said...

É uma pena não existir mais pessoas verdadeiramente humanas assim como estas, que se preocupam com o próximo - carente das necessidades mais básicas...
Como você bem disse, 5% do dinheiro que muitas pessoas possuem, já seria uma grandiosa ajuda, no entanto, o que mais presenciamos é o egoísmo e não o altruísmo...
Ótima postagem!
Lucimara Souza

Krista said...

Hei rakas ystävä Adelle, I like your blog!, Wondoful blogiin!, Hyvää viikonloppua ja onnea ja Hugs! T: Krista

William Saghi Chahud said...

Olá Querída Amiga Flavinha?
tudo bem com vc
assim espero que tudo,....
desculpe a ausência
estive lendo seu blogsite e achei muito lindao
gostei mesmo
espero que vc dê uma passada lá no meu ok
e olhe dê sua opnião no que preciso melhorar-lo ok
espero sua sinceridade ok
e também espero que sejamos amigos sinceros ok
Que o senhor nosso bom DEUS
te abençoe querída