13 January 2010

AJWS collecting donations for Haiti aid.

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"The American Jewish World Service" (AJWS) is collecting donations in response to Tuesday's massive earthquake in Haiti, which registered a 7.3 on the Richter scale.

Donations to Haiti AJWS's Earthquake Relief Fund, which can be made at - www.ajws.org/haitiearthquake - will help AJWS's network of grantees in Haiti to meet the urgent needs of the population based on real-time, on-the-ground assessments.

We are assessing where the gaps in service and are putting in place a process to help specific communities that might not be immediately served ot herwise, said AJWS Vice President for Programs Aaron Dorfman.

Because of the economic and political situation in Haiti, disasters like this have devastating consequences throughout the country.

Our long-standing partnerships with grassroots organizations in Haiti allow us to reach the Poorest and most remote populations with the speed necessary to save lives.

Founded in 1985, American Jewish World Service (AJWS) earned its eighth four-star rating from Charity Navigator in 2009 as well as an "A" in rating from the American Institute of Philanthropy.


Unknown said...

Oi passei para deixar um abraço e que continua assim seu blog esta ótimo...bjs

http://www.ehow.com/members/stevemar2-articles.html said...

The situation in Haiti is dire, and will only get worse over time. It is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere, so it is up to wealthier countries to try to lend support. The United States will undoubtedly play a major role in the recovery effort, but I hope everyone remembers that the United States also has its own problems, like a high unemployment rate and Americans struggling to support their families.