05 February 2011

Your contribution really goes to charity?

*My friend wrote to me asking for more references on a charitable institution that he did not know and what I had indicated for him sharing and supporting the cause.

He asked me a simple question:
-- Can you tell me more about this institution?

He had a sensible attitude in ask me about it, because we must always be alerts about various institutions  of charities. We should take note about how institutions deal with money or donations, inclusive, how much paid its directors, officers, employees and his staffs. How much was collected in money and donations and how many resources are effectively applied in charity and help?

We should also evaluate the financial balances, which should always be updated. The financial account should be very transparent, so that everyone else can understand it and have a good trial.

There are some websites of companies that oversee institutions, providing ratings and we can do queries easily.

I recommend to everyone read carefully an interesting article on the topic above, in the link below will find more information.
"Give Smart: 25 Websites To Learn The Charity's Effectiveness & Efficiency"

Deuteronomy; Re'eh 15: 7-8  "Open Your Hand Generously"
7. When, in a settlement in the land that God your Lord is giving you, any of your brothers is poor, do not harden your heart or shut your hand against your needy brother (Ki-yihyeh vecha evyon me'achad acheycha be'achad she'areycha be'artsecha asher-Adonay Eloheycha noten lach lo te'amets et-levavecha velo tikpots et-yadecha me'achicha ha'evyon).
8. Open your hand generously, and extend to him any credit he needs to take care of his wants. (Ki-fatoach tiftach et-yadecha lo veha'avet ta'avitenu dey machsoro asher yechsar lo)


Unknown said...

Very Good Article. I always wondered how much an NGO spend the donation money on administration.

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

'We should also evaluate the financial balances, which should always be updated. The financial account should be very transparent, so that everyone else can understand it and have a good trial.'

Reasonable. All charities and organizations that accept donations should do similar.

Re: your ad on the left side of the blog, 'Portrait Professional'.
It is impressive how much they can make a pretty girl look even better.

Anonymous said...

Minden egyes $ ha jó helyre kerül emberi életeket ment meg. Az adományok elhelyezését hatékonyan kellene ellenőrizni

Renita Verner said...

I really enjoy your site. Keep up the good work!


So far i know most of the NGO run by donated money but most of them are not successful.

JIM said...

Very important article, It is a shame that we have to worry about donating our money but we do.
Thank You I started following you

Crazy Life of a Writing Mom said...

Great article. I'm following. ;)
