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Christmas tree made from 5,480 plastic bottles stands tall in Haifa |
Merry Christmas!
Hey you, where you go so fast?
I know you have little time ...
But do give me a few minutes of your attention?
I realize that many people in the streets, running like you.
Where goes everyone?
The shopping-malls are crowded ...
Children are dragged by parents rushed, amid the turmoil ...
There is a widespread rush ...
Food and beverages are stored ...
And the gifts then? There are so many to buy...
I understand that you have little time.
But what is the reason for the rush?
I realizing, too, the lights adorning shop windows, streets, houses, trees ...
But I confess, I see little sparkle in eyes ...
Few smiles and friendly, little patience for a fraternal chat ...
It's nice to see lights, colors, abundance of food and materials goods ...
But it would be so nice to see smiles francs ...
Handshake lengthy...
Hugs tenderness ...
More gratitude ...
More love ...
More compassion
Perhaps you've never noticed that there are people who offer gifts by mere interest ...
There are hugs colds and calculating...
Which family members hate each other, without the slightest willingness for reconciliation.
But since you lent me a few minutes of your precious time, I would ask again - Why do you hurry?
Amid the turmoil, sitting on the curb, a homeless, maybe drunk, screaming loudly, "living The Messiah, Merry Christmas!
And the "sober" person make a comment: "He's crazy. "
And the City preparing the Christmas ....
But for that you still have time to ponder the true meaning of Christmas, I dare say:
Christmas is not just a festive day, the essence of Christmas should be a way of life.
Christmas should be the expression of love ...
And those who live without love does not know the charm of the sea that incessantly caresses the beach in a back-and-forth constant ...
Christmas is a fraternity...
And life without brotherhood is like a river without a bed, a moonless night, a child without a smile, a star without light.
But Christmas is also a union ...
And life without marriage is like a cracked boat, a bird with broken wings, a sailor lost at sea without end.
And finally, Christmas is a pure expression of love ...
And life without love is disabled for peace, because in its intimacy, not blowing the breeze of dawn, and no one else realizes the scenario multicolored sunset.
Living without peace is like sailing without a compass on a dark night ... It is not aware of the ways that emphasize the soul and gives meaning to life.
Anyway, life without love ... Well, life without love is mere illusion.
May this Christmas be for you more than parties and exchanging gifts.
May the Christmas be a lasting mark on your lifestyle.
Author Unknown
Hallelujah (Halelu-Yah means literaly "Praise the L-rd")
Αυτό έγινε τώρα ζητάμε να ξαναγεννηθεί ο χρισμένος μέσα μας ! Αυτό ναι είναι τα Χριστούγεννα!
Well said!! May you have JOY and LOVE in your Christmas celebration!!
Que o amor cresça em nossos corações e que a Paz reine em toda a humanidade.
Feliz Natal e um Ano Novo repleto de Realizações!
Dear Adelle!
Good says.Thank you.
I'm the beginning when
i got to know you
admired you as to the authenticity and transmission and your love
other peoples.
Police work will
certainly be really
And valuable.
Hanukkah celebration is certainly a beautiful and happy too.
God bless you and your family now and forever.
You are very sweet!Happy holiday!
Feliz Natal...
Adelle dear,thanks for your charing this!
Have a happy and peaceful Christmas to ou and your family.It's been nice to read your blog.Thank you:)
God bless you with love.
Querido Adelle, Shalom Aleichem!
É sempre um prazer visitar seu espaço Quando desejar faça-nos uma visita e não deixe de emitir seus comentários, pois serão importantes para a edificação de todos que nos acompanham.
Venho desejar a você um feliz Natal, pleno de alegria e felicidade com muita paz, harmonia, crescimento e realizações espirituais.
Sabemos que Jesus não nasceu no dia 25 de dezembro como comemoramos, mas isso pouco importa. O que realmente importa é o seu significado: demonstração de um Deus amoroso que enviou Seu próprio Filho ao mundo para resgatar os perdidos, nós, eu e você.
Natal é tempo de renovação espiritual. Não fujamos ao nosso destino, mas a exemplo do Mestre, sigamos os Seus passos, amando a todos que nos cercam, compartilhando o que temos com os necessitados do corpo e da alma: uma palavra amiga e um gesto de carinho muitas vezes valem mais que um alimento para o corpo físico. Agindo assim o Natal terá efetivamente um valor mais importante que a entrega de presentes e as comemorações exteriores que uma grande parcela pensa ser o mais importante, marcará o inicio de uma nova caminhada com o Senhor.
Que possamos no ano se inicia prolongar esse sentimento de fraternidade e de amor ao próximo que tão de perto nos fala ao coração quando essa data tão significativa para a Cristandade se aproxima.
Que Deus te abençoe grandemente e a todos que procuram através do testemunho de vida e da mensagem do Cristo transformar esse mundo em um mundo melhor, onde as pessoas se amem e se entreguem ao Senhor.
Que ao final de 2011 possamos dizer: Valeu a pena seguir a Jesus e testemunhar do Seu amor.
Muita paz!
Ben Baruch
Τα Χριστούγεννα είναι γραμμένα στο βιβλίο της ζωής. Ο άνθρωπος τα σπούδασε παρατηρώντας την συμπεριφορά των ζώων και των φυτών στις αλλαγές των εποχών, και συμμορφώθηκε σύμφωνα με αυτές.
Οι σοφοί νηστεύουν ώστε να εκκολαφτεί ο νεογέννητος μέσα τους. Νιώστε αυτήν την περίοδο που μες την καρδιά του χειμώνα γεννιέται ο νέος σπόρος σε όλες τις υπάρξεις.Κι αυτός είναι ο χριστός γιατί είναι ξαναγεννημένος και αθώος σαν κάθε βρέφος!
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! You are so right that Christmas shouldn't be about rushing and spending and arguing and frustration. In our family the focus hasn't ever been on buying and giving - it's always been on the Christmas story and family.
We've been blessed that our family isn't the arguing and fighting type. I don't think anyone in our family (except mom/dad) spend more than $25 on each other. In fact, I make about 1/2 of my presents for family - it's a lot more fun.
Give each other a hug and tell your family that you love them - you never know what's going to happen tomorrow.
Happy Holidays! Tina "The Book Lady"
Thanks Adelle!
Wishing you the best!
Querida Isha,
nos encontramos no face book, não é?
Estamos no mundo.
Um feliz 2011 para você e os que ama, com todas as melhores bençãos.
Estamos juntas, somos aves da mesma plumagem, e elas voam juntas.
Um abraço,
Querida Isha,
nos encontramos no face book, não é?
Estamos no mundo.
Um feliz 2011 para você e os que ama, com todas as melhores bençãos.
Estamos juntas, somos aves da mesma plumagem, e elas voam juntas.
Um abraço,
As canções hebraicas são mágicas, e as fotos também!
Για τα στολίδια μπορούν να μας κατατοπίσουν οι βόρειοι λαοί, και για τα δώρα οι Ανατολικοί.
Στην Ευρώπη και ιδίως στις σκανδιναβικές χώρες επικρατή η αντίληψη οτι τα όμορφα στολίδια προσελκύουν τα καλά πνεύματα και ιδιαίτερα , το πνεύμα των Χριστουγέννων.
Στης ανατολικές χώρες αυτο γίνεται με τα δώρα (φοβού τους Δαναούς και δώρα φέροντες). Εν ολίγοις η αντίληψη που επικρατή είναι οτι κατά αυτόν τον τρόπο διώχνεται το μισερό κακό πνεύμα της παγωνιάς , ένας απο τους ποιο επικινδύνους εχθρούς του ανθρώπου. Σε αντιδιαστολή αντιπαραβάλλεται το κόκκινο χρώμα όπου απ την θωριά του και μόνο ζεσταίνει και χαροποιεί τους ανθρώπους.
Τα δώρα όμως προσφέρονται στον χριστό.
Φανταστείτε μια κοινωνία όπου όλοι θα νήστευαν και θα προσεύχονταν αναμένοντας να εκκολαφτεί μεσα τους η νέα ζωή (Χριστός).
Γνωρίζεται οι περισσότεροι απο σας οτι μετά απο κάθε κατάνυξη και συγκίνηση, έχουμε ανάγκη απο ενα γλυκό.(λουκούμι).
Ο χριστός (Χρισμένος)σαν βρέφος μέσα μας , αναγεννημένος,δέχεται την απλή προσφορά ενός ζαχαρωτού!
Το τη γίνεται τώρα είναι άλλο θέμα
Lovely post, thanks for sharing.
Feliz festas! Muita saúde, amor e paz.
Beautifully said.
Happy Holidays!
It is very difficult to remember about real sense of Christmas in today's world, which like only consumption... Now Christmas are passed, but we should remember about love and people in need every day. And, what is most important - about God! It is odd and sad for me, that atheists celebrate Christmas or Eastern... Maybe in the future it will be better.
Hi there,
Thanks for sharing the link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at ishashiri.blogspot.com have a mirror or another source?
I love thinking of it that way. <It's true! For me love is all (deep) religious anthropo.Kai we need the man of divine love. Weep when manifest and see.
The best Christmas post that I've seen! God's blessings and a happy New Year to you and all of your family!!!
nice post :) take care dear
A thoughtful piece to remind us of the true meaning of Christmas.
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