23 October 2010

APAE - Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional

The APAE São Paulo in Brazil is a Social Organisation Non-Profit national and international reference in intellectual disabilities, from birth to the stage of aging. Its main guidelines are Prevention, Inclusion and Technology.

Founded in 1961, APAE of São Paulo - Brazil, has a history marked by the mobilization for the cause of intellectual disability.

APAE São Paulo operates in the areas of health, education, law, research and technological development with a focus on disease prevention and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. His audience ranges from newborn babies to people in the process of aging.

Learn about the services:
Support for aging adults and seniors
Socio-Educative Support
Able to Work for people from 16 years
Kitchen Special for treatment of metabolic diseases
Education for children 7 to 15 years
Stimulation and Empowerment for children 0 to 7 years
Warranty and Advocacy of human rights

APAE Institute of Sao Paulo - Responsible for fostering research, systematizing and disseminating knowledge and developing new technologies to improve care and promote quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities.

The Institute APAE of São Paulo has library with important scientific collection of over 3,500 volumes on disability, providing the public theses, books, journals, pictures and movies.

Conducts training courses for educators and health professionals, indoor courses, it offers the solutions to social inclusion for companies and organizations, and consulting services aimed at people with intellectual disabilities.

Laboratory APAE Sao Paulo - The largest neonatal screening laboratory from Brazil and one of the three largest in the world in number of children screened.
Beyond the neonatal screening performed by traditional methods, the Laboratory of São Paulo APAE offers its customers the expanded newborn screening, which includes the modern mass spectrometry MS / MS Tandem.

For helping, consult the website APAE Sao Paulo: Click here


Slamdunk said...

This sounds like a great organization that offers a wide range of services for people in need.

Thanks for sharing.

Carla M. S. said...

Muito obrigada pela divulgação deste trabalho no no seu site! Muita Paz, Carla.

Unknown said...

Hi Isha :)

Se todos os dias eu der o melhor de mim à sociedade, a sociedade também se ajusta para que nada me falte, nunca!

Esta Instituição que hoje aqui nos dás a conhecer é a prova da minha afirmação.


João Lenjob said...

Você visitou o Castelo também?? Estimo que visite. Não vai se arrepender.

João Lenjob.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful organization! If I ever get back down to Sao Paulo, I would love to visit and help while I am there.

Thanks for sharing this with the world!

lesapeamusings.blogspot said...

Thank you for sharing this great organization that offers a wide range of services for people in need.

Lisa xx

Unknown said...

This organizations sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing.


Gostei do seu trabalho, preocupado com os problemas sociais. Nice blog!
Grande Abraço!