03 July 2010

Tzom Tammuz - Traditions

The tradition on 17 Tammuz
The "17th of Tammuz" (5770) - June 29, (2010). "Tzom Tammuz" is marked by sadness and mourning, a day of fasting and introspection for the Jewish people. It marks the day the Romans breached the walls of Jerusalem, to begin the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE. This same day Moses broke the tablets upon seeing the Jewish people worshiping the golden calf.

The three-week -  begin on June 29, 2010 (17th of Tammuz), and continue through July 20, 2010 (9th of Av).
The three weeks of our saddest calendar will the 17th of Tammuz until the 9th of Av, Tisha B'Av. Are marked by a period of mourning for the destruction of the Temple, and the resulting physical exile and spiritual displacement - in which we are still: the galut.

It's called "ben hametsarim" - "between the grips", based on the verse (ECHA 1:3) which states: All her persecutors overtook them on the inside of the grips. " The Sages (ECHA Rabbah 1) explain that 'inside the grips refers to days of trouble that occurred during the period between 17th of Tammuz and 9 Av At this time, many calamities befell the Jewish people through the generations. It was during this period, in the grips, which both first and second Temples were destroyed. This period was thus established as a time of mourning for the destruction of shrines.

During this time, we reduced the extent of our joy. Weddings are not performed, we refrain from listening to music, dancing, recreational trips, and cut their hair or shaving. According to Sephardic custom, which is based on the opinion of Bet Yosef, haircuts are allowed up to the week in which Tish'á Beav actually falls.

It is usually not recite the blessing Shehecheyanu this period. Thus, not wear new clothes or eat fruits that have not yet been eaten this season, so you do not have to recite Shehecheyanu. However, when faced with an opportunity to fulfill a mitzvah that will - such as a circumcision or a pidyon haben - so it made the blessing. Likewise, if a new fruit is available during this period of three weeks and maybe not then Shehecheyanu is recited. As is customary to allow the blessing is recited on Shabbat, it is preferable to save the new fruit until the Shabbat. A pregnant woman who is willing to eat the fruit, however, or a sick person who needs it for his health, can recite Shehecheyanu during the three weeks.

Tends to be even more careful than normal to avoid dangerous situations. People devoted a separate period of time for reflection and mourning for the destruction of both Temples. In some communities it is customary to recite the "Tikun Chatzot" (the Midnight Prayer Service) even at noon.


Glanchaser said...

Very Nice blog!!

keep up the good work!



pilgrimchick said...

That is absolutely fascinating--thank you for sharing.

stéfani said...

Olá querida... Você é judia? Que lindo!!! Gostaria de saber mais através de ti sobre o Judaísmo. Eu amo assuntos sobre Religião. Me diga por favor:falas português?

Se não, me perdoe por favor. Eu falo inglês rsrs

Amei seu post. Meu professor de história é judeu. Aprecio muito!!!

ma thet zin said...

I love your blog! Very refreshing, and interesting.

Unknown said...

Very good !!

Unknown said...


Rebecca Rosenbaum said...

hello, Isha,

It is sad to remember sometimes crucial moments.
Our country also has those moments, which should not be forgotten ever, because it keeps us alert to avoid the same mistake.

Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us.

Kisses and more^^