31 December 2009

Beneficent Society Israeli Brazilian - Hospital Albert Einstein

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Social Responsibility Institute:

The “Instituto Israelita de Responsabilidade Social Albert Einstein” mission is to provide served communities with social justice and solidarity through responsible social actions based on citizenship principles and ethics.
Instituto Israelita de Responsabilidade Social Albert Einstein believes that citizenship should be practiced by everyone. Therefore it supports a number of initiatives that engage hundreds of professionals and volunteers:

- Educational Activities: Focused on employing and training doctors, nurses, health agents,public health managers and non-governmental organizations.
- Philanthropy: Includes the donation of hospital equipment and material, scholarship concessions and free high-cost exams and treatments for patients referred by public hospitals.
- Volunteering: A group of 360 volunteers spread across 47 areas carry out an important social role in the Hospital, at Paraisópolis Community and at Residencial Israelita Albert Einstein (Nursing Home).
- Collaborations with the Public Health Sector: Path chosen by SBIBAE to multiply medical excellence and collaborate with the National Healthcare System to offer with high quality healthcare and best practices in health care management to the general population.

Learn more about the Society Beneficent Albert Einstein Jewish-Brazilian

29 December 2009

Aliah and Klitah, On Wings of Eagles

Help for return, immigration (aliyah) and live restoring, absorption (klitah)

When 74 years of communist rule ended with the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, the door to freedom is opened for one of the most oppressed groups of people on earth: the Soviet Jews, whom for a long time they were refused permission to return to Israel, their ancestral homeland.

When large-scale emigration was at last possible, International Fellowship of Christians and Jews started the program On Wings of Eagles, to transport these Jews flight to freedom to the "Holy Land". To date, hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jews have emigrated to Israel through this initiative.

Over the years, the scope of the efforts of the fraternity in the rescue of Jews in distress has spread beyond the former Soviet Union to also include those living under State sanctioned anti-Semitism in Arab lands, thousands Jews 'lost' that have been found in remote corners of India and Ethiopia and others, where rampant anti-Semitism has led many to regard Israel as a future home.

Thanks to generous donations to The Wings of Eagles, the friends of the fraternity have brought hundreds of thousands of Jews to the Holy Land from all over the world. With funding from emigration to Israel donors Fraternity show its compassion and concern for the Jewish people.

What we do: restoring (klitah)

The Aliyah brings Jews from all over the world to Israel. But the commitment of the Fraternity for the new immigrants do not end when they arrive at Ben-Gurion airport in Tel Aviv, but, somehow, actually begins at that time.

The Fraternity recognizes that it is very important to provide what is necessary for the restoration of the Jews who were brought to Israel through On Wings of Eagles. Many immigrants arrive with little more than the clothes they must learn a new language and integrate into a new culture. They need immediate assistance, both food, clothing, shelter, medical care, as long-term assistance: training for a job, job search, Hebrew language instruction and school for their children.

On Wings of Eagles helps new immigrants to become full and productive members of Israeli society, meet that need. In carrying out this work, helps immigrants to help themselves and secure the future of the State of Israel for generations to come.

If you want to know more or perhaps help: click here

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27 December 2009

Israeli Humanitarian Aid for Palestinians in Gaza - 2009

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Israeli humanitarian aid for Palestinians Gazan after "Operation Cast Lead"

Since the end of Operation "Cast Lead - the amount of humanitarian aid for the Gazan population provided by Israel has increased by 30% compared to the numbers of the previous years. The IDF magazine "Bamahane" reports that during 2009, approximately 100 trucks with humanitarian aid goods were transferred from Israel to the Gaza Strip daily.

The transfer of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip is coordinated by the Gaza District Coordination Office (DCO). "The DCO constantly works on efforts to provide as much humanitarian aid as necessary for the Gaza Strip," says the DCO Operations Officer.

The main objective of the operation – reducing the number of missiles and rockets fired onto Israeli territory – has been achieved.

Throughout 2008, 1,553 rockets (most of them Qassam rockets), 1,685 mortar shells and 40 Grad rockets – altogether 3,278 - were fired from the Gaza Strip onto Israeli territory.
In 2009, on the other hand, only 149 rockets, 95 mortar shells and 4 Grad rockets were fired at Israel. Altogether: 248 impacts (those numbers do not include the firings during Operation Cast Lead, and were last updated on December 16th). The number of rockets and missiles fired has decreased by more than 90% compared to that of the previous year.

24 December 2009

Merry Christmas to my friends!

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Today before the day they call Christmas, although I do not follow the Catholic religion, I respect their beliefs and concerns mainly the feelings of peace and happiness that is celebrated

Happy Holidays to all my friends and loves of my life!

With my love

Isha Shiri

I offer this music as a joyful welcome to all - "Within the walls of my house"

23 December 2009

I want to write about love

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One day, someone asked me:
- Why do you write about sad things in your Blog?
- I can answer: No, I do not want to write about sad, I want to write about love. The first commandment is the sincere love, brotherhood, without interest. When I think of love, I believe in love.
Charity is not just donate money or material goods, love can be a simple act, how to donate their time and expertise for a moment ... There are so many things that can be done with love, is not it? Do not forget that today maybe we are lucky but there is no guarantee of tomorrow and unexpected knocks at our door every day. Today we can help, but maybe we do not need help in the future?

I wish for all good parties and fun.

With my love,

21 December 2009

Idan Raichel - Ambassador of the ONG SACH*

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He came to Brazil in December, to present the show Idan Raichel Project and launch the Save a Child's Heart (SACH) in the country. Idan says he hopes to see the young Brazilians engaged in a project that, for him, as well as healing the heart, full of good vibes from the hearts of children. Meet some of the music of Idan Raichel
Meet the music of Idan Raichel

Im Telech – If You Leave (Idan and Din Din Aviv)

Im telech mi yechabek oti kacha - If you leave who will hug me like this
mi yishma oti besof hayom - who will listen to me at the end of the day
mi yenachem veyargi'a - who will console and calm me
rak ata yode'a - as only you know how

Ve’im telech lemi achake bachalon - And if you leave who will I wait for by the window
besimla shel chag - in a festive dress
sheyagi'a, yechabek oti kacha, - to come hug me so,
kmo she’ata magia - when you arrive

K’shetelech lashemesh etze, - When you leave go, I'll go out to the sun,
basade hamuzhav, boker va’erev - in the golden field, morning and evening,
yare'ach ya'ir et panai - the moon will light up my face
shecholmot kol hayom alecha - which dreams all day long of you

Uch'shetavo - When you come back,
tisa oti bishtei yadecha, - you'll carry me in your arms,
misade lanahar, - from the field to the river,
tirchotz et panai vetagid li milim - you'll wash my face and tell me words
l'mo sherak ata yode'a - as only you know how

See the original Video Cartoon Clip on YouTube, is beautiful!

19 December 2009


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Understand the Mission

An international Jewish human rights organization dedicated to generating change through the Snider Social Action Institute and education by confronting antisemitism, hate and terrorism, promoting human rights and dignity, standing with Israel, defending the safety of Jews world wide, and teaching the lessons of the Holocaust for future generations. With a constituency of over 400,000 households in the United States, it is accredited as an NGO at international organizations including the United Nations, UNESCO, and the Council of Europe.
Headquartered in Los Angeles, the Simon Wiesenthal Center maintains offices in New York, Toronto, Boca Raton, Paris,Buenos Aires and Jerusalem.

About the Museum of Intolerance on-line, click: http://www.museumoftolerance.com/

16 December 2009

O Brasil gritando por ajuda!

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Brazilians need help!

This weekend I went to the city of Rio de Janeiro (distant 500 km from the city of Santos, São Vicente, SP, where I'm living).
Yes, Rio is gorgeous, with beautiful beaches to see, but I was not satisfied with the living conditions of most of the population. The social differences are immense. Here where I live (Santos) is a smaller city and cleaner, with less social conflict. But in Brazil there are very large social differences. Some places I saw there in Rio de Janeiro left a bad impression!
There is now an undeclared war between the forces of military and civilian police and traffickers, who dominate the poor communities, and the number of deaths is very high. The deaths by firearms in Rio de Janeiro (and also in Brazil) are higher than the war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan for example.
Some serious charities do a good job help, but that is little compared with the immense social problems because the services of education and health are poor and mismanaged by the government of Brazil.
Missing housing, schools, hospitals, basic services of water supply and sewage treatment. The waters and the sandy coastline of Rio de Janeiro are highly polluted.
If you want help there are many organizations on the site "HELP BRAZIL" http://www.ajudabrasil.com.br/buscaentidades.asp

13 December 2009

Charity in the Festival of Lights!

Celebrate Hanukkah also helping the environment and doing charity.

On Chanukah, it is traditional to give children Chanukah Guelt - Money Hanukkah. One reason for this custom is the opportunity to offer them positive reinforcement for exemplary behavior, and encourage them to donate a portion to tzedakah - charity. This commandment (mitzvah), helps children understand the importance of charity (tzedakah) also when they are adults.

Some useful examples for charity on Hanukkah:

Ner Shel Tzedakah (Candle of Justice)A project for the sixth night of Chanukah Dedicating the night of Chanukah 6 to learn about the problem of poverty. Donate the value of gifts (or the gifts themselves) that would otherwise exchange on that night to organizations that help the poor.

Light Among the Nations
If each family had one light bulb with a CFL (compact fluorescent lamps), it would have the same impact as removing 1.3 million cars off the road. Celebrate Chanukah taking action to resolve the crisis of climate change. This campaign is to involve the community Jewish education, advocacy, and concrete measures to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Visit the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL) to find out how you can participate in this important campaign.

Sustaining the Light: A Social Justice Program Guide for Chanukah. A new program guide of the Commission for Social Action, which highlights the themes of social justice of Chanukah - the environment, economic justice, children's issues, religious freedom - and describes the activities that flow from them. In the guide you will find ideas of social action program for families, social action committees, youth groups and other groups synagogue. We hope this material will help you make your Chanukah observance one that inspires acts of righteousness (Tzedek) and tsedaká (charity).

11 December 2009

These lights are sacred

"These lights are sacred... we can only look at them" Unlike the Shabbat candles, the lights of Chanukah may not be used for personal pleasure.

For although our perception may be blunted, we were, and essentially we are masters of vision. Indeed, the Chanukah lights are placed in the window as a beacon telling all passers-by that darkness can be dispelled with wisdom, that darkness can be illuminated with the truth. At the same time that Chanukah celebrates the past, also celebrates the present and future.

For though Chanukah celebrates the miracle of a single amphora of olive oil burning for eight days, also imbues the world with the hope of redemption, when the light will triumph over negativity. That is all past and future, and as during the 36 hours of the beginning of mankind, "there will be no hunger or war, no jealousy or rivalry". For goodness be total, and all delicacies will be as common as dust.

The occupation of the world be known only to G-d.

"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of G-d as the waters cover the ocean floor" (Maimonides).

09 December 2009

Light and Wisdom

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index By "Dov Ber Pinson"
Why do we call the Hanukkah Festival of Lights? Why not celebrate the oil or the Miracle of Eight Days? The root of the word Hanukkah is Chinuch, which means education. Hanukkah is a spiritual process is cumulative, whereby the total of thirty-six lights that are lit grow to reveal the light of Creation.

What is light? The light is generally used as a metaphor for wisdom. The universal symbol for understanding in a graphic design or illustration is a light or lightning. light - see. People of all cultures, when grasping a concept that is being explained, use in various languages, one word: see. "Oh, I see", we say, when we finally come to understand something.

Maimonides writes that a prophet can experience a ray of light, of radiance, which illuminates your path. "Light" is often used in the Torah to express knowledge and wisdom. With the words "Let there be light," the creation of the world emerged. The Talmud explains that this light lit Adam and Eve for thirty-six hours, from noon on Friday for the whole day of Shabbat, when "Adam could see the end of the world at his [other] end."

During this time, the Primordial Light, the inner wisdom of purpose and truth, was exhibited to mankind.

But for this purpose of creation is complete and order to overcome the darkness was made manifest, this bright light was hidden from the universe, stored for a time that would still come.

Since then, we long for that light, we seek and seek in prayer, study and meditation. However, even in our darkest hours we can access this memory born of the 36 hours that we, humanity as a whole, we live in this light. "Where should this light be hidden?" asks the Midrash, "in the Torah." In its radiance feel the wisdom, purpose and intent of creation.

In every generation there are 36 elevated souls present who support, nurture and keep this light.Hidden, unobtrusive, and practically unknown, these 36 people just are sparks of that Hidden Light. Through refined awareness of fair, in light of the Torah permeates the world.

During the eight days of Chanukah, our world is bright with this glorious light.

Hanukkah - The Festival of Lights

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A Universal Message

Hanukkah (On date 25 Kislev, 5.770 - hebrew calendar) This year (2009), the first candle is lit on December 11 - duration 8 days, contains a universal message for all people of all faiths - a message of freedom, the victory of good over evil, light over darkness. The symbol of the party, an eight-armed candelabra, acquired special significance for the Jewish people during the revolt against religious coercion of the ancient Greeks, about 2,200 years ago. This chandelier, in fact, represents much more than just a religious symbol. It symbolizes the freedom of expression and thus indicates the diversity and pluralism as important in our society. Giant chandeliers light up in public places proclaiming the universal message of religious freedom, as has been done in hundreds of cities around the world.

06 December 2009

Talk - Ninet Tayeb

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TALK - Music by Baruch Ben Yitzhak, Marc Lazar and Ninet Tayeb

How do I fall again
Look in the mirror
Same face and sometimes
Want to be someone else for a moment
Without trying to understand the world
Be stupid
Only be

But instead of talking
I'm running from myself
Runs validates
Sometimes several
I prefer to keep quiet
I prefer to keep quiet

People do not really know
What is the meaning of a word
They want to sound sharp tongue
Experts who understand
And talk and talk ...

To fill the space to run their own
Escape validates
Sometimes several
But I prefer to keep quiet
I prefer to keep quiet
I prefer to keep quiet
I prefer to keep quiet ...

04 November 2009

"The Final Inch"

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Documentary film on polio by Google

Google.org in collaboration with and Vermilion Films released a documentary film “The Final Inch”, a 38-minute film about the historic global effort to eradicate polio, filmed primarily in India and Afghanistan, documenting the front lines of public health in some forgotten corners of our world.
Filmed in high-definition (HD) in cinematic style — wide open shots to give a strong sense of place — The Final Inch captures their stories, and we hope it is both a tribute and an inspiration of hope. The film will air nationally on HBO in 2009. You can visit TheFinalInch.org where you can view clips from the film and learn more about the people and the organizations tirelessly working on this global effort.

01 November 2009

Migdal Ohr - Tower of Light

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This man started a charity with nothing, but his will done an excellent job and deserves the support of those who can help!

Migdal Ohr - Tower of Light was established in 1972 for the express purpose of providing education and social guidance to the children from underprivileged and troubled homes ifrom across Israel. Overcrowded apartments, one-parent families, homes with drug problems, impoverished, crime-ridden families--these are the target populations from which Migdal Ohr draws its over 6,000 pupils at all levels of the educational spectrum. Its goal - to transform these students into proud and productive citizens of Israel.

Contact Us - 6 Belilius St. - P.O. Box 5507 Jerusalem 94704 ISRAEL
(Please include both the street address and the P.O. Box)
Email - info@migdal-ohr.org.il

29 October 2009

Ninet Tayeb, Hi Yoda'at – She Knows

Singer Ninet Tayeb
Hi Yoda'at - She knows (use Google Translator for your language)

Hi yoda'at, Anashim tamid Omrim lah - She knows, people always say to her
Anashim mit'arvim lah rak - people always interfere with your
lil'bosh mah, mah le'echol - what to wear, what to eat
nachon mah, mah nachon it - what is right and what is not right

Melach'shim mah hem choshvim - they whisper what they think
meshat'fim mah hem rotzim - take part in how they want
eich asur, kamah mutate - How is prohibited, as is allowed
hi im efshar efshar - it is possible or not

Ta'asi vetel'chi, til'medi - You must go and do, learn
vetir'i eich berega, - and you'll see in a moment,
berega kov'shim ta'olam - in a brief moment of world conquest
titz'rechi, tish'teki - scream out loud, be quiet,
rak tavo'i, bo'i chizri elai - just come, come back to me

Ken, hi yoda'at - Yes, she knows
shehu tamid mak'shiv lah - he always hears you
shehu zeh shemar'eh lah - it is what it is showing
mar'eh et ha'emet, mah mah lakachat latet - showing you the truth, which have, to give
ve'im atah atah shome'a ulai yode'a - and if you're listening, maybe you know
eich mam'shichim mikan - how to go from here

Ta'asi vetel'chi, tilmadi ... - You must go and do, learn ...

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Vision For Israel - Humanitarian Aid Center in Jerusalem

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Vision For Israel
Barry and Batya Segal are the founding directors of a humanitarian aid center in Jerusalem. Their longing to help build and restore Israel inspired them to pioneer the non-profit, charity organization, Vision for Israel & The Joseph Storehouse in 1994. The work currently functions as an international humanitarian aid center operating in the Judean Hills just outside of Jerusalem (Click here to see the show of photos of the relief work and take time to listen to music very loving and beautiful).

As a multi-faceted work, The Joseph Storehouse freely provides aid to the poor and needy people, both Jewish and Arab, living in the nation of Israel today. Many of them a are struggling as orphans and widows, homeless and handicapped, senior citizens and geriatric patients as well as new immigrants and finally, victims of terrorism and their families. Through the relief and assistance from Vision for Israel & The Joseph Storehouse; food, clothing, toiletries, kitchen and household items, blankets, towels, linens, and toys are some of the materials we distribute.

How To Contact Vision for Israel and the Joseph Storehouse:

26 October 2009

The history and discovery of Falashas

See the story of a Jewish refugee Ethiopian Mr. Shlomo Mula
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The history of discovery
In 1860, British missionaries who were traveling in Ethiopia were the first Westerners to find the tribe of the Falashas, being surprised to see the faces burned with Semitic features and practicing Judaism. The members of the community observed the Sabbath, kept strict ritual laws the way they were described in the Torah.

Shortly after, the Jewish scholar Joseph Halevy decided to meet them in person. Could it be that these Jews were part of one of the tribes of Israel, lost long ago, at large of the First or Second Temple?

Halevy was received with curiosity and suspicion by the natives, who asked him: Sir, Jew? How can a Jew? You're white!

But when Halevy mentioned the word Jerusalem, all were convinced. The Falashas had been separated from other Jews for thousands of years. None of them had never been outside their village. However, all cherished a great dream, coming from generations past: back to Jerusalem. The Jews of Ethiopia suffered the same discrimination as others, in the diaspora.

In early 1970, there was an organized group of Beta Israel who wanted to emigrate to Israel, although its members still are not considered Jewish and therefore not entitled to make aliyah. One hundred Falashas already living in Israel, where he started a movement led by a Yemeni Jew born in Ethiopia, Ovadia d 'Tzahal, who made aliyah in 1930 and had relatives among the Falashas. So he pushed them to emigrate to Israel.

The Israeli government, seeing the imminence of the murder of thousands of them in the Ethiopian war took one of the most important recent history of our people; was time to rescue as many as possible would be bringing them to Israel, giving them home, education, health, employment, finally, offering the dignity deserved by every citizen of Israel.

25 October 2009

How was Operation Solomon

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In 1990, while rebel forces advanced against the Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam (the butcher of Addis), it became clear that the Falash be exterminated, unless they could leave the country. Asher Naim, excellent facilitator, worked in several fields simultaneously. Negotiating with Mengistu, coordinated logistics and strategies with the Israeli military and collect donations, frantically through contacts in the United States.

On May 23, 1991, decided that the time had come to call the Israeli Air Force: Operation Solomon was to begin immediately. The dictator Mengistu had accepted the conditions, pay in kind and imposing strict confidentiality.

Before the Israeli embassy, thousands of Falashas jostled, ready to go. The first Israeli planes landed at the airport in Addis Ababa and a team of well trained commanders positioned itself to protect the mission at any cost.

In total, 14,200 immigrants were taken to the city's Ben-Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. Thirty-five military and civil aircraft made 41 flights. At one point, there were 28 planes in the air. * One of the Jumbos, which normally could take 500 passengers, carried at one time 1087 people, a feat noted in the Guinness book of records.

To Asher Naim, the rescue of Ethiopian Jews was of vital importance. He wanted to liberate their brothers in a dictator tyrant and thereby ensure the survival of that tribe. Helping Falashas to return to Jerusalem, Naim has reached a new and deeper understanding of the true meaning of faith, identity and the struggle to overcome adversity. In his book, cites a phrase from Bernard Raskas: Gd does not want us to do extraordinary things. He wants us to do ordinary things, extraordinarily ...

In Israel, the adjustment of immigrants has also been difficult. Most were very young and without any culture, suffering rejection because of their color. Several programs of American and Jewish institutions have developed special projects for intensive education for children, for example, the school Beth Zipora in southern Israel. The program was implemented by Elie Wiesel and courses in English and computers. The dream of the Ethiopian Jews is to train leaders, doctors, engineers and even generals (now in 2009 it has already been realized). The Israeli government has campaigned to raise funds for its absorption and survival, in order not to let them return to the same cycle of poverty, despair and bitterness of his past in Africa. Currently more than 100,000 Jews of Ethiopian origin living in Israel.

The Jews of Ethiopia - Operation Solomon

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For nearly 3,000 years, the black Jews of Ethiopia, known as Falashas and call themselves Beta Israel maintained their faith and identity struggle against hunger, drought and tribal wars. It is believed that they were part of one of the ten lost tribes, their ancestors dating back to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (Saba).

In May 1991, the Falash staged a miraculous exodus. With Ethiopia involved in deep and brutal civil war, 14,200 members of this community were flown to Jerusalem for the Defense Forces Israel. The operation lasted 25 hours.

The hero who conceived and organized the incredible rescue was then Israel's ambassador to Ethiopia, Asher Naim. The epic has been narrated in the book Saving the Lost Tribe, in which Naim relates with humor and knowledge of the action that became known as Operation Solomon.
In the fall of 1990, when he was appointed by the Israeli government for the post of ambassador in Addis Ababa, its identification with the Ethiopian Jews was immediate. He wanted to continue "Operation Moses, established in 1985 by the Israeli secret service, Mossad, in conjunction with the American agency CIA for three years, tried to take the country 14 thousand Falashas through the Sudan, bringing them boat to Israel. The success of that operation was on, because at the time, only eight thousand people managed to escape and the rest fell ill on the trip and many returned to Ethiopia. Many families were thus separated. - To be continued ....

21 October 2009

Musician of Heliópolis was chosen by Zubin Mehta

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Musician of Heliopólis, a very poor district of Sao Paulo in Brazil, was chosen by Maestro Zubin Mehta and shipped to Israel
The young bassist Institute Baccarelli travels toward Tel Aviv

Young, Adriano Costa Chaves, embarks on 22 August to Tel Aviv, where he will join the Academy of the Israel Philharmonic. Student of the Baccarelli Institute, Adriano is a student of bass and was recognized by the great maestro Zubin Mehta for a little over a year in their own community.

At the time, at the invitation of the Votorantim Institute and the Center of Jewish Culture, Zubin Mehta, one of the greatest rulers of the world, went to the largest slum in Latin America to meet the Baccarelli Institute, recommended as a reference for music education people in situations of social vulnerability. Even without knowing what level of music would encounter, Mehta attended the choir presentations of children, beginning students in violin, and finally, the Heliópolis Symphony, conducted by maestro Roberto Tibiriçá.

At the time the orchestra performed the 5th. Symphony of Beethoven, Zubin Mehta stood amazed and then took off his jacket to take the baton of the group. In later testimony, the conductor admitted he was so nervous and excited as the first time was in charge of an orchestra.

Soon after this time apotheosis for each of the young musicians, the direction of the Institute decided to submit the Zubin Mehta one student in particular, a talented bass player, Adriano. Tense, but safe, Adriano ran a solo part of the Concerto for Double Bass by Domenico Dragonetti. With only 17 years old, surprised the maestro Mehta with his performance and it received a scholarship at the Academy's Symphony Orchestra in Israel.

Thereafter, was prepared, in a year, embarking on a new country, a new continent, with a culture quite different from Brazil. The Center of Jewish Culture was responsible for promoting travel and offer all the structure to adapt to Adriano, who received lessons in Jewish culture, Hebrew, and also have a follow-up in Tel Aviv.

Baccarelli Institute also took steps to reinforce the lessons bass student who daily studied at 6 to 8 hours a day focused on your goal. Adriano Costa Chaves became a living model of hope for all students who study music at the Institute. The certainty that you can encounter a talent in a community so devoid of basic resources necessary for human development, has permeated the lives of each child and youth in the region to participate in cultural activities. That first plane trip is just the first of many that will be part of Hadrian's life world.

19 October 2009

Pelé, The King's School

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Pele's Dream is reality
Fruit of the partnership and friendship between entrepreneurs Edson Arantes do Nascimento, Pele, Pepe and Altstut, P & P takes action sports and social events aimed at spreading the practice of football - the passion of King Pele
Pele says:''I always wanted to build a kindergarten, a soccer team and a college for the sport, through serious projects, forming good citizens. "This dream is a reality in the city of Santos, in Sao Paulo .

With the creation of P & P works in the neighborhood of Boqueirão King's School, a project of responsibility, which reveals new talent and promotes football as a factor for social inclusion.
The successful partnership between Pelé and Pepe Altstut - another big sports fan - also made possible the creation of the Coast Football Club (LFC). In addition to introducing young talent in professional football, LFC expands its space in the sports scenario, with the formation of a competitive team, whose soul force in the spirit of football.

"The biggest concern of the King is the project with the most disadvantaged children and be with Pele as part of his greatest dream is a great honor and satisfaction," said the chairman Denys Altstut.

Council King
"My father always told me that God gave me the gift of playing football. This was a gift, but that was not enough to just be a great player, I would have to be also a great man, so that nothing could defeat me. This is My message to all who pass by this school.
*Pelé - *Edson Arantes do Nacimento

18 October 2009

World Bicycle Relief

The Work

People in underdeveloped regions of the world are suffering every day due to lack of access to health care, education and economic development opportunities. Bicycles are simple, sustainable and appropriate technology to support people in developing nations and disaster recovery.

The mission of World Bicycle Relief is to provide access to independence and livelihood through The Power of Bicycles. Go to Four Ways to Donate

Founded by SRAM Corporation and Trek Bicycles in 2005 and supported by many individuals, foundations and corporations, World Bicycle Relief specializes in large-scale, comprehensive bicycle programs by providing supply chain management, technical knowledge and logistics expertise to poverty relief and disaster assistance initiatives.

Compared to walking, bicycles represent an enormous leap in productivity and access to healthcare, education and economic development opportunities. The simple, sustainable nature of bicycles empowers individuals, their families and their communities.

Here are examples of what a bicycle can do to leverage human ability:

Bicycles increase carrying capacity, five times as much as compared to walking;
Bicycles increase the distance a person can travel by four times compared to walking;
Bicycles save time, approximately three hours for every ten miles traveled compared to walking
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17 October 2009

Produtos da Fórmula 1 em prol da Rocinha*

F1 lovers can not lose. Before Felipe Massa (pictured) to the checkered flag for the Brazil GP at Interlagos, he autographed sneakers from Puma Ferrari collection, customized by famous designers, tomorrow at the Shopping Mall. The sale of sporting goods will go to the Copa Roca, ong of seamstresses of Rocinha slum in Rio Mario Queiroz, Adriana Barra and Geová Roberts, fashion designer who has Parana studio in New York, among others, have the personal touch and also the T-shirts other objects related to F1. Hussein Mourad, owner of the store MiCasa, for example, came up with a helmet covered with shirts. The best soccer player in the world, Martha, also gave its contribution customizing an item. All objects will be on sale from Friday at the site social gap.
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14 October 2009

Barbra Streisand will auction off personal items

The actress Barbra Streisand has put personal items on auction on behalf of his charity, the Streisand Foundation. The auction, organized by Julien's Auctions, will happen on the 17th and October 18th at The Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles.
More than 400 pieces from the personal collection of paintings, furniture and decorative pieces of the actress. Besides costumes used in films Funny Lady (1968), On a Clear Day Of Summer (1970), Want Me Go Crazy (1987), The Prince of Tides (1991), among others.
The actress also put on auction a dress that used in the Timeless tour in 2000, and an overall she appeared on the Concert tour in 1994.

13 October 2009

Jewelry to Benefit Children in Malawi

Introducing Lori Leavitt’s Panthera collection, a jewelry line that’s making a world of difference.
Jewelry is a luxury that all too often we feel guilty about purchasing. But now, with Lori Leavitt’s new Panthera collection, not only can you treat yourself, you can also provide much-needed aid for children in Africa. Over one million children in Malawi live without a parent, home, or education. In an effort to generate funds and awareness for these children, Lori Leavitt partnered with the H.E.L.P. (Hope, Educate, Love, Protect) Malawi Foundation to design a collection that can be worn as a symbol of your support.

100% of the profits go directly toward helping these children as they battle poverty and illness, primarily HIV/AIDS.

The collection, composed of bracelets, rings, and cuff links, uses the lion as inspiration for its design, representative of the courage and strength the Malawi children demonstrate on a day-to-day basis as they continue to struggle against insurmountable odds. With the introduction of the Panthera collection, jewelry can be so much more than just an indulgence — it can be opportunity, change, and hope.
- Inquiries to: info@lorileavitt.com -

11 October 2009

Sale & Purchase

/ One path // Two hands

Some promotions have two good things - buy and donate.

We buy and know that we pay all or part of value is going to the charity.

I particularly think very interesting these promotions. Stimulates consumption and we donate at the same time. We must always be careful that the institution be honest, for which the target is safe.

06 October 2009


Charity is a fundamental part of the Jewish way of life.
Tradução disponível para o português (use o tradutor do Blog)
Traditional Jews give at least ten percent of their income to charity. Traditional Jewish homes commonly have a pushke, a box for collecting coins for the poor, and coins are routinely placed in the box. Jewish youths are continually going from door to door collecting for various worthy causes. A standard mourner's prayer includes a statement that the mourner will make a donation to charity in memory of the deceased. In many ways, charitable donation has taken the place of animal sacrifice in Jewish life: giving to charity is an almost instinctive Jewish response to express thanks to G-d, to ask forgiveness from G-d, or to request a favor from G-d. According to Jewish tradition, the spiritual benefit of giving to the poor is so great that a beggar actually does the giver a favor by giving a person the opportunity to perform tzedakah.

Business Week's 2006 list of The 50 Most Generous Philanthropists includes at least 15 Jews. In other words, Jews, who are only about 2% of the American population, are 30% of America's most generous donors. Similarly, a 2003 study (reported in the Jewish Journal) found that 24.5% of all "mega-donors" (people who donate more than $10 million a year to charity) are Jewish. Nor is Jewish generosity limited to Jewish causes: while a few of the Jews in BW's "Top 50" list Jewish causes among their primary charitable targets, most don't. Indeed, the Jewish Journal article laments the fact that the overwhelming majority of those Jewish mega-donations aren't going to specifically Jewish causes.

05 October 2009

The Sager Family Traveling Foundation

Donna Karan is co-hosting the launch party of “The Power of the Invisible Sun,” by Bobby Sager. The Urban Zen New York City store joins the celebration with an exhibition of his photographs. The exhibition showcases powerful photographs of children taken in war-torn areas of Afghanistan, Rwanda, Iraq, Pakistan, and Palestine. Over the past decade, Bobby Sager has been traveling the world – donating to causes he believes in. Practicing what he called “eyeball to eyeball philanthropy,” he established The Sager Family Traveling Foundation. The vision was to experience communities and cultures first hand while simultaneously creating programs for assistance, with the ultimate goal of transforming these programs into self- sustaining entities. Bobby found himself drawn to the stories in the faces of the children he met, and started photographing them. “The hope in their eyes is their gift to us – a light to ignite our optimism, perhaps even our action.” Read more about Bobby Sager at www.teamsager.org.
Urban Zen NYC store 705 Greenwich Street New York, NY 10014

04 October 2009

Scholarship Fund for Ethiopian Jews

The Scholarship Fund for Ethiopian Jews (SFEJ) is an American non-profit and tax-exempt charity.

SFEJ is dedicated to the development of a pool of talented, well-educated and highly motivated Ethiopian Israelis, who are committed to serving their own community, as well that of all Israel.
We strive to promote the emergence of leaders who will ultimately enable the community to become fully integrated into Israeli society.

The rescue of Ethiopian Jews began in the 1980s, and reached its peak in 1991 in the dramatic airlift (“Operation Solomon”) of more than 14,000 in the course of a single day.

More than 100,000 Ethiopian Jews have now been brought to Israel. Not unexpectedly, their integration into Israeli society has been fraught with problems. Coming from a largely agrarian, pre-industrial society, the Ethiopian Jews were plunged into a modern, industrial society, without the resources needed to cope with the transition.
Much has been written about Israel's "security fence,” a device designed to separate Israelis from their Palestinian neighbors. Israel's Ethiopian Jewish community has been separated from its neighbors not by a physical fence, but by a virtual fence of prejudice against, and discomfort with those who appear different. SFEJ seeks to break down this virtual fence by helping to create a core of Israeli professionals who will serve as role-models for younger Israelis, Ethiopian and non-Ethiopian alike. Our mission is to keep the promise that was made to our brothers. It is not enough to change their address; we are obligated to help them become a vital part of Israeli society.

In the belief that education is the single most effective tool for the integration of the Ethiopian community into Israeli society, SFEJ was founded to raise funds for the promotion of post-secondary education among Ethiopian Israelis. To date, funds provided by SFEJ have assisted more than 2000 Ethiopian Israelis to achieve the education required for successful integration into the economic and social reality that is modern-day Israel.

Use our convenient online contribution form.
Or mail a check payable to "Scholarship Fund for Ethiopian Jews" to the following address:

Scholarship Fund for Ethiopian Jews
19202 Black Mangrove Court
Boca Raton, FL 33498

You may use your tax-deductible contribution to honor a loved one.
CFC (Combined Federal Campaign) number 12374

For further information, email: sfejgorman@aol.com

03 October 2009

The Sabbath

"Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant".
(Exodus 31:16)

30 September 2009

Unibes: human solidarity since 1915

For Judaism, poverty is not inevitable.
The Jewish religion is concerned with the injustice since its inception.
We are delivering just what we do.
This is the fold of Judaism, is preaching the Torah

Unibes: Brazilian-Israeli Union of Social Welfare

Although officially founded only in 1976, one can say that the Brazilian-Jewish Welfare Social (Unibes) emerged from 1915 with the creation of the Beneficent Society of the Israelite Ladies Benevolent Society and the Friends of the Poor Ezra the first Jewish charities in Sao Paulo, which provided support for the Jewish immigrants who came from Europe to settle in Brazil.

In addition to these two institutions, which is known today as Unibes is also the union of other organizations such as Pro-Immigrants Society, Policlinic Linath Hatzedek, Home of the Child Checkers Israelis to Drop Milk of B'nai B 'rith and Jewish Women's Organization for Social Welfare (OFID). The Unibes is in some ways, the continuity of the two agencies, each with its specific mission, as the book says "Unibes 85 years. A history of social work in the Jewish community in Sao Paulo," compiled by Roney Cytrynowicz.

Practice wide

With the passage of time, Unibes is increasingly integrated into the local reality and expanded its social activities beyond the Jewish community, promoting global services to children and adults. However, the 60 thousand Jews Paulo never ceased to be the major focus of Unibes. "Our main concern today is to care for our impoverished Jews, the 'new poor'. And that is where our social service concentrates most of its forces," says Dora Lucia Brenner, the active campaigner and president of the institution.

The Unibes operates in several segments. In the area of Children and Adolescents, an estimated 1.1 million children between 2 and 17 years, with food, recreation and complementary education programs through the Nursery Betty Lafer, Young People Area and the Professional Courses. In another action arm, the Department of Social Services assists the approximately 1.6 billion poor families in the community through psycho-social orientation, guidance and technical assistance, financial and social advancement.

Unibes The projects also include the elderly, people with mental and physical disability, left out of the labor market, as well as services such that the Charity Bazaar, a Private Pharmacy, Healthcare, family assistance, health insurance, Holiday Home, Therapy Family, Program Committee, Shalom Program, Program Or, Labor Program, Pensionato Housed and more.

"In this difficult period of community life, with the apparent impoverishment of the middle class, the performance of Unibes has proved crucial to the rescue of our supporters, giving them the support necessary for recovery and maintaining a Jewish life of dignity", says Jayme Blay, president of the Jewish Federation of the State of São Paulo (Fisesp). "And volunteering at this difficult mission, occupies a prominent place. Dedication and efficiency that make up the binomial allows Unibes perform its task in an exemplary way. And all within the noblest Jewish spirit, which is to give a hand to those in need ! Completes.

According to the site www.filantropia.com.br the Unibes is the third party in Brazil on "Family Care", the 35th state of Sao Paulo and 63 th among the 400 largest in Brazil. No wonder that the body builds up several awards, including the Very Efficient Prize - Kanitz & Associados, the Community Partnership Award, Project Workshops Socializing Sports - Unicef, the Vitae Foundation, the Human Rights Prize of the Ministry of Justice and others.

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Israeli Orphans, “Portraits of Compassion"

Local Program Helps give Israeli Orphan Children Personal Treasures

Yon Zlalo is 7 years old, living in Beit Elazaraki Orphanage in Netanya, Israel. Like his counterparts (over 180 in this one orphanage), Yon has few precious possessions, including not one personal photograph of himself. When Yon is 18, he won’t have a single piece of photographic evidence of what he- or his friends- looked like as a child.

Every day, we take for granted our photographs- treasures that Jewish children living in Beit Elazraki Orphanage in Netanya do not have. These children, many whom have been abandoned, neglected, abused, and/or orphaned, lack the personal keepsakes that provide them memories of their youth and connection to their heritage and identities.

In response, one local community member-Kathy Kanter-has helped to create a new program under the Federation’s Partnership 2000 (P2K) Steering Committee that will give these children a visual record of their childhood.

The program is called “Portraits of Compassion.” Kathy was inspired by Ben Schumaker’s successful Memory Protraits program (run by the Memory Project) that he began as a way to help orphan children in Guatemala. In this program, advanced high school and university-level art students create original portraits for children living in orphanages around the world. Once finished, these paintings are given to the children.

Barbara Miller, Director of the Partnership, had read about Schumaker and recommended that Kathy get involved with this kind of project in Netanya. Kathy, a phenomenal scrapbook artist herself, wanted our community to do the same for the Netanya children living in Yehuda’s orphanage, to- as she put it- “hold in their hands something all their own.”

During her last visit to Netanya in October, 2006 during the Partnership 2000 steering committee visit, Kathy took photos of 30 children in Beit Elazraki and collected their personal profiles. These profiles would be used by the artists to incorporate the child’s individuality into the paintings.

With the help of the Federation’s P2K committee, the participation of local schools and the JCC, beautiful, personal portraits of the children were created by artists. These include many done by three remarkable local artists :Blessing Sivitz, Carl Deutsch and Ruth Levinson from the JCC’s Senior Adult Art Class. An interesting note: despite her being partially blind, Blessing Sivitz’s portraits are amazingly detailed.

Also remarkable were the portraits created by Teri Hiudt’s local, non-Jewish public-school students. Her students made sure to incorporate the children’s personality by adding in pop culture, Israeli and Judaic symbols. In this way, the art project became a cultural lesson about Jewish children half-way around the world.

At the time of this article, Kathy is in Netanya with the Sycamore High School trip and is delivering to the children their personal keepsakes. Upon her return home, Kathy will have more photos of other children in the orphanage- more portraits to be made. And, of course, she will have her own personal photos of the joy brought to the faces of the children who, thanks to her and the artists, now have a precious childhood possession.

For more information about the Portraits of Compassion Program or the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati’s P2K program, please contact Barbara Miller at 513-985-1528

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27 September 2009

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur (Heb., “Day of Atonement”). Annual day of fasting and atonement, occurring in the fall on Tishri 10 (just after Rosh Hashanah); the most solemn and important occasion of the Jewish religious year.

The Shehecheyanu:

"Baruch atah adonai eloheinu melech ha'olam shecheyanu v'kiy'manu v'higyanu lazman hazeh".

"Blessed are you, Our God,
Creator of time and space,
Who has supported us,
Protected us, and brought us to this moment".

26 September 2009

Predicting the future:

Predicting the future: Philanthropic Support for Children and Youth Jewish
"The Jim Joseph Foundation"
Richard M. Joel
Yeshiva University

How wonderfully refreshing to be invited to provide advice as a foundation to spend twenty million dollars annually. And in the Jewish education! Those of us to invest our energies moving Jewish hope of life in an institution and its leadership that has focus and is brave enough to ask questions challenging. I spent most of my life involved, professionally and as a volunteer in most aspects of Jewish Education, formal and informal. My term as president of Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life has given me something of an overview of both our people and their needs as well as young people and their dreams. My term of office at the University Yeshiva gave me yet another perspective confirmation. I firmly believe that this is a time when being Jewish has become an option, not a condition. After generations of our identity to be determined as much by a world of exclusion as a proud be people, most of Western society today welcomes the Jew in mainstream culture. How do we address the effects of assimilation, it is clear that nobody is obliged to be Jewish. Actually, we had a very significant influence on aspects of popular culture ways that in so many contemporary life is ours. In a welcoming society and assimilationist, the totems and taboos of the past of Judaism does not loom large. Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Israel, images, sounds and smells districts of Eastern Europe are no longer rooted parts of Jews "beings. I strongly believe that the feelings Jews or Jewish feeling, which was once called the "Pintel Yid" does not transmit generationally. In fact, Judaism is not an option for a condition. Only if there is a reason for the exercise of that option will pick a Jew. But I know that Judaism is much more than images and sounds, tastes and touches. He transcends tribal. We are a people of history and destiny, of pride and purpose, and therefore the alliance, and the community. But it is clear to me that these riches are not accessible through the catechism or visits with grandparents or with simple aphorisms. In a society elective, in order to "choose the Jews," our children have to be Jewishly literate and more, has to be experienced Jewishly. Put simply, they should know their history, and they have their own history. Without basic literacy, without the narrative of the family, we are lacking, in addition to being illiterate, we are homeless and without hope. I've seen in my years of Hillel that, finally, we have a common history of speaking, thinking about, and to build upon. However, knowing the history is necessary but not sufficient. We also need its own history, feel it, the experience of Jews, individually and collectively, to celebrate our existence. As the Torah says "v'laasot Lishmor" - "to learn and do" - we have to teach learning and doing. We are a nation of text and context. Therefore, non-formal and informal education, textual and contextual exposure to Jewish learning and is the essence of education.

It is the ticket for a Jewish journey. Community of Israel, customs, philosophy, practice - all are contingent on knowing the history and owns history. I believe our task as educators is not to be diverted by contemporary fashion for the post - modern views of identity. From a simple and clear, as we as a people, estimated to provide our children with education, we must provide our children with Jewish education. And Jewish education should be experiential and textual, which should be more than another matter. Our people are rebellious and fractured - there are threats to the Jewish future that are existential and schismatic. Many can be resolved, if at all, only during the passage of time, with solutions beyond my knowledge. But this I know: we have no hope for the sustainability of our people and be our opportunity to influence the world will come from a common commitment to make our children want to know and their own Jewishness. This is the great challenge of today. And that is the great opportunity that Jim Joseph, of blessed memory, who presented. With my bias Jewish education thus established, I am happy to share these thoughts as I with the Foundation. The Foundation's fundamental choices only he can do about how to choose the focus. He must also decide whether to be an operational base or a source of funding, or a combination of both. I can not presume to advise you on the decision. I know there are many talented professionals and institutions deeply invested in various realms of formal and informal Jewish education. They would be reinforced by a serious support resources. They also need to be in an environment where the community reinforces the imperative of Jewish education as the sine qua non of survival deliberate. And we all need to be performed with the standards and develop tools for measuring success. In terms of operating principles, I urge the Foundation to follow some basic rules: • Keep your partner - simple with its grant recipients, they do not jump through hoops. The work is very important, the resources and time very precious. • Encourage investment in being successful. • Housing subsidies so that they can have a lasting impact. • Trumpet the successes. • Develop the brand so that an investment Jim Joseph, who represents the quality of Jewish life should require. • The Foundation must stay for the proposition that Jewish education requires text and context, both formal and informal education, information and experience • The Foundation should be seen as an asset and a resource across the spectrum of the Jewish community. I suggest that offers five categories of initiatives: 1. Encourage the profession of Jewish education, 2. Challenge of developing programs of Jewish education for local initiatives; 3. Investing in training institutions; 4. Preserve and strengthen existing educational successes of the program, and, 5. Encourage the advancement of knowledge and research in Jewish education, I have arbitrarily on budget figures for each initiative.

Clearly, the Foundation would develop realistic budgets. 1. Encouraging Profession - $ 6 million I believe that a number of factors, particular and general, make the time ripe time to attract the best and brightest to the profession of education. Young people are looking for meaning in careers, if they think they can respect, and have a life of dignity that will train and enter the field. Even if you find ways to deal with the crisis of class, we must ensure that educators have quality across the board that can provide excellence. While the issues of teachers' salaries, are a challenge for each community to meet, the Foundation can encourage the field encouraging Jewish Educational career. I suggest the Foundation publicly commit a substantial amount of its resources to encourage young people to enter the field of formal education and / or informal education. This could take the form of a mortgage fund for educators to buy homes at heavily subsidized prices, the mortgage forgiveness programs based on years of service. Alternatively, the Foundation could support a program that would forgive the cost of their education or training related to the duration of the mandate. A capital fund to encourage the serious continuing professional education, or something similar, would make a powerful statement to young professionals. 2. Challenging the Local Institutional Development Program - $ 5 million in local, I would suggest to the Foundation to create a national fund for local institutions - schools, preschools, camps, youth programs - to receive two or three years grants to develop their own initiatives, with the incentive of getting funding for the endowment program on establishment success. As an example, if a school day or school network the day I would like to retreat model programs for high school students (or families) that could contextualize their learning, the Foundation would provide funding for research and development and deployment of a few years, if successful, a donation would be offered to make the program permanent. This would encourage local initiatives and creativity, it would diffuse existing resources, and could deepen the educational experience. The Foundation will have to decide whether he would develop in house consultants or a pool of consultants who could work with the recipients. Certainly, one hopes would be that the programs could be replicated elsewhere.

- Investing in training institutions - U.S. $ 5 million There is a wealth of ideas to expand the work of many institutions of quality education in the Jewish community. Foundation investment in developing new initiatives result, through multi-year grants and donations, would be invaluable to those bodies in both these institutions for training new professionals in contemporary professional education and being of assistance to the local schools. For example, certification programs can be developed to train camp counselors, youth advisers, etc.. Also, perhaps more fundamentally, we must strengthen the capacity of training institutions to develop and teach a generation of leadership - both lay and professional, and impact on local education these students of the institutions of purpose and passion - and our lay kodesh Klei - should be empowered and given the tools to lead. 4. The partnership with Global successes - $ 2 million there are some clear Jewish educational success in our community. They include the Wexner Heritage Program, Wexner Graduate School, Campus Hillel of service, and Birthright. The Foundation can partner with any of these to expand them and increase their impact. For example, many of us are convinced that Birthright is an important Jewish journey. We are also convinced that effective, personal monitoring is necessary to truly capitalize on the investment Birthright. The Foundation may choose to have an important effect in this area in partnership with Birthright to train and build a framework for campus-based follow-Birthright professionals who work with students to connect them to ongoing Jewish growth plans. Or the Foundation can offer $ 5000 scholarships for students that Birthright would begin to participate in programs of long-term Israel proper education. A million dollars a year would allow 200 participants significantly in the construction of Birthright. Another example would be a partnership with the Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE) annually to launch niche programs to be modeled on CAJE conferences, providing educators with the school with additional resources to develop a common annual project in all its schools . 5. Encouraging New Ideas and Educational Technology - $ 2 million I think it is critical to the Foundation to support the continuous development of ideas and research in Jewish education. For example, the Foundation could commit to ten years of $ 100,000 annually for major academic conferences on Jewish education, encouraging research and writing by scholars and educators in several disciplines of Jewish education. Serious conferences on pre-school, camping, school curricula, learning processes, Israel education and the like would be very educational format. Alternatively, these funds could provide a visiting professor for education specialists.

Within the item described here, the Foundation can make several statements visible: 1. She wants to encourage young people to build careers as educators. 2. Strengthens extensive creative programming in a set of local institutions. 3. The aim is to strengthen and expand the training institutions. 4. It partners with educational programs worldwide success. 5. It advances research and development of new ideas and technology education. More importantly, a commitment of this magnitude significantly strengthens the culture of investment in Jewish education and be able to trumpet our successes there. It is also an affirmation of the importance of investment in human capital, and not bricks and mortar. In doing so, it's important that the name "Jim Joseph Foundation will be visibly marked as a benchmark of quality. Each of these initiatives could have a team or advisory panel of experts, teachers, lay leaders and philanthropists to help the Foundation. Finally, a report of the foundation can bring about change and progress. Clearly, there is no magic pill. After all, the house is the biggest driver education. The Jewish Home is reinforced when the Jewish community send messages of up and real education, text and context, knowing the history and owns the story, are accessible and valuable, and provide answers of purpose, meaning and community in a world desperate search of values

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