23 December 2011

Natális Poem

Natális (Latin) also derives from 'nature', the sum of the active forces in the universe.*

The word "Christmas" originated as a compound meaning "Christ's mass". It is derived from the Middle English "Cristemasse" - which is from Old English Crīstesmæsse, a phrase first recorded in 1038.[6] Crīst (genitive Crīstes) is from Greek Khrīstos (Χριστός), a translation of Hebrew Māšîaḥ (מָשִׁיחַ), "Messiah"; and mæsse is from Latin missa, the celebration of the Eucharist.

*Natális Poem - Merry Christmas

May the Light of G'd
Be steadfast in the ways,
Illuminating all days

May all the moments
Be filled with happiness, peace and joy
And in heart
Good feelings
Kindness, love and charity.

May the G'd
Bless your health, your job,
your victories
And all your dreams.

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