16 December 2009

O Brasil gritando por ajuda!

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Brazilians need help!

This weekend I went to the city of Rio de Janeiro (distant 500 km from the city of Santos, São Vicente, SP, where I'm living).
Yes, Rio is gorgeous, with beautiful beaches to see, but I was not satisfied with the living conditions of most of the population. The social differences are immense. Here where I live (Santos) is a smaller city and cleaner, with less social conflict. But in Brazil there are very large social differences. Some places I saw there in Rio de Janeiro left a bad impression!
There is now an undeclared war between the forces of military and civilian police and traffickers, who dominate the poor communities, and the number of deaths is very high. The deaths by firearms in Rio de Janeiro (and also in Brazil) are higher than the war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan for example.
Some serious charities do a good job help, but that is little compared with the immense social problems because the services of education and health are poor and mismanaged by the government of Brazil.
Missing housing, schools, hospitals, basic services of water supply and sewage treatment. The waters and the sandy coastline of Rio de Janeiro are highly polluted.
If you want help there are many organizations on the site "HELP BRAZIL" http://www.ajudabrasil.com.br/buscaentidades.asp


Krista said...

Hello Adelle,
I think same at is a pleasure to meet you.
And nice to heard at you like the guys and the bands too.

My best congratylation you pregnant:)
Sweet at you have goming baby:)

I hope own men me.I not have yet boyffriend and I pray and hope right men to me.

Thank at you tell me Hanukkah party.It heard lovelys.I waiting here Finland Chrismas party:)

Kisses,peaces and happy Hanukkah to you!

Kirsti said...

Hello Isla Shiri,you keep good think present.
this touchet to me.Thank at you come my blog!
You are very welcome!:)


Slamdunk said...

That is a shame that Rio is in such poor condition. I hope it changes someday.


I follow you*

Pink Links said...

You tell about important things and your blog is lovely!

William Saghi Chahud said...

tudo bem com vc
assim espero....
oassei aqui e achei muito bonito e interessante seu blog site
notei o que vc editou declinando sobre o Rio de Janeiro,realmente existem muitos problemas mais se houver boa vontade dos governantes as coisas podem melhor muito
Espéro poder ser seu amigo e assim poder te conhecer mais seus pensamentos
faça uma visita lá no meu blog site e deixe o seu recadinho lá ok
Desejo a ti um FELIZ NATAL e um VENTUROSO ANO NOVO 2010 repléto de paz e muita saude.
se desejar podemos trocar MSN ou gmail ok?
Beijinhos Carínhosos

Victor S. Gomez said...

Obrigado pela visita e Feliz Natal para você e para os seus. bj