09 December 2009

Hanukkah - The Festival of Lights

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A Universal Message

Hanukkah (On date 25 Kislev, 5.770 - hebrew calendar) This year (2009), the first candle is lit on December 11 - duration 8 days, contains a universal message for all people of all faiths - a message of freedom, the victory of good over evil, light over darkness. The symbol of the party, an eight-armed candelabra, acquired special significance for the Jewish people during the revolt against religious coercion of the ancient Greeks, about 2,200 years ago. This chandelier, in fact, represents much more than just a religious symbol. It symbolizes the freedom of expression and thus indicates the diversity and pluralism as important in our society. Giant chandeliers light up in public places proclaiming the universal message of religious freedom, as has been done in hundreds of cities around the world.


Raquel Bouchardet said...


é uma honra para mim você ter me escolhido para ser sua amiga.
É com muito prazer que te aceitei! Mas estou curiosa. De onde você é? Qual país, cidade ou qual a sua descendencia?
Um grande abraço


Anonymous said...

Hi Adelle,my dear friend,thanks and hug:-)

Anonymous said...

Jonathan or Hannah is so pretty names.
Then i get baby i think at we baby name might be Vanessa,Eveliina or Matias,Niko or Niki.
Now i like name Jonathan too.Maybe we baby boy name was Jonathan too:).Hope at soon.Pray own baby.

When your baby born?

Good night to you!!